Tuesday, May 10, 2011


 So the sun had finally decided to shine in upstate New York, shocking I know, but very welcome. The sun has been shining for a few days so we have been trying to spend as much time outside as possible.

On Monday Carly's new glasses came in so we were driving her out to pick them up and we saw this road and thought it would be funny to take some pics, since we couldn't actually go to Dublin, haha

 We have arrived!!

After we picked up Carly's glasses we headed out to Victor to pick up Desiree and go to Ganondagan State Park, a historic site about the Seneca tribes. They have a long house, gardens, and some really pretty trails.

Here is one of the gardens.


 This was in front of the long house (you can see it in the above pic) and I have no idea what it is, but it made me think of Mulan so . . . I was being a "warrior," yeah I'm cool : /

They had signs about the Seneca all over the place and they had a nice statue....which apparently means "KODAK MOMENT"

Carly, Alyssa and Desiree were trying to do the "Jumping Picture" and I apparently suck at taking those pictures. 

Try #1

Try #2

Try #3

Yeah that's right I'm that awesome : )

yet another try . . . .
This one was kind of better, I at least got Carly !

Carly and Des enjoying the sunshine
and taking a pic of me . . .

All of us heading out to one of the trails, it was such a beautiful day ! !

Funny tid bit, I saw a guy walking his dog over by these trees and he had a SWORD with him, I though it was pretty funny and I was kind of disappointed I didn't get a pic : (

The trail . . . now I have a pic of this sign that was up because Carly wanted to act it out.

 Carly "being the sign" I think it's pretty convincing haha

it was such a fun day, seeing the sun was amazing ! ! ! 

p.s. a little side note for Erin, I have spent enough time outside now that if I decide to go swimming this summer my legs won't blind anyone with their "whiteness" haha I just wanted you to know : ) I Love you Erin you're AWESOME . . . and so are all my other sisters : )


  1. Funny Emily. I won't blind anyone with whiteness either, because I use self tanner. It's too cold to go outside here! Looks like you guys had a fun time. Love you!

  2. Oh yeah, and since you're all ready for the pool, you should come visit me this summer. I promise to be a lot more fun/pleasant to be around than last summer. Please please please? Bring Carly, too. :)

  3. what are you talking about you were very pleasant last summer, well for a pregnant person anyway :P i would love to come visit but I unfortunately need to make some money for school :( I really wish I could. I miss my AWESOME sister :(

  4. look at thosetits i would suck those all night
